Saturday, September 29, 2007

Using my new vocabulary

Just a quick funny story that happened today...

I was speaking with some Spanish clients about learning how to speak Spanish. After I mentioned that I was starting a Spanish course next week, one of the guys said that all I really needed to do was get a grammar book and practice. I explained that I needed the discipline school offered and "tambien soy floja."

I was very proud of myself for saying this - it's one of my new Spanish words meaning lazy. I was saying "Also, I'm lazy" in Spanish. The reaction was one filled with confused laughter, followed by Arturo jumping in and asking the meaning of the word in Spain. Turns out, flojo/floja means loose or lax and is used in many different ways. In Peru, it means lazy. In Spain, it means easy (as in your legs are loose).

Pride at using my new vocabulary was quickly replaced with an attempt to explain what I really meant in Spanish. All was understood...and, of course, we all - including myself - thoroughly enjoyed the joke.

Aren't languages a funny thing?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi and wellcome to Lima Peru!!!
My name is Rolando, but everybody call me as ROLO. I just was surfering on the web and find your blog and it sound so funny for me, you look so nice and I would like to meet you, if you don't mind.
I'm from Lima, 36 years, work for the Goverment as Accountant and volunteer fire fighther. My birthday is on octuber 12 and I would like invite you, it will be a honor for me.
I need improve my english accent and I would like to teach you spanish. You can contact me at or my phone number 9792-6493. Again, wellcome to Peru and keep in touch.
Kind regards