Monday, October 8, 2007

Chiclayo (and four pages done from Fodor's)

Whew! Updating a travel guide is no easy task.

Arturo and I have been busy over the last three days updating Chiclayo and the surrounding area along the northern coast of Peru. So far, my favorite part has been visiting the fascinating ruins and tombs, filled with evidence of cultural rituals and items of value, especially gold. The Chimu, Moche and Inca civilizations overlapped and the merging cultures are incredibly interesting to learn about. Oh, and I managed to take a museum tour in Spanish (and understand most of it...or at least some of it).

Tonight, we are overnighting to the northernmost section of the country, near the border with Ecuador and will work our way south to Lima from there.

Overall, we have eaten in some fancy restaurants and seen some incredible hotels, but it is slow, difficult work. We have to go to all of the places in the guidebook, checking and updating the information, and adding in additional information or places where necessary.

It's been fun, but definitely work. As we keep saying, though, it's a great experience. Only 56 pages left to update!

p.s. Yes, we're taking pictures, but we forgot the cord to connect to the computer.

1 comment:

Bettina said...

What an awesome way to see that part of the country!!