Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A busy, but excellent weekend

A busy, but excellent weekend last week:

The weekend started with our monthly PDA (Peruvian Debate Association) Debates. We had two intermediate teams and one advanced team competing.

The motions were as follows:
Intermediate Motion - This House Believes That OJ Simpson was Guilty
Advanced Motion - This House Favors Genetic Engineering

The results? We won 2 out of 3 debates. I was thrilled! (and bear in mind about half of the intermediate teams had either never debated or only debated once before).

Next? October 15th two of my debaters will be trying out for the national team for the World Debates in Greece in 2009!

We ran a 5K race to support the national Down Syndrome organization. We paid 30 soles (about US$10), got a cool t-shirt, ran the 5K and got free goodies after (gatorade, waterbottle, etc.).

After the race, we - Anna, Rick, Arturo and I - went to this special ceviche stand that Arturo has been talking about for a year. It's a tiny place with a counter where you can stand and eat. We arrived at 11:00 a.m. and by the time we left, there was already a line forming. I must admit, it was pretty amazing ceviche.

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